Monday, September 27, 2010

Well...maybe not 52 weeks...

Jumping to count down from week ...pause for calendar counting...45! 45 weeks until I tie the knot with the fantastic Adam Josephus Cowing. According to my week-by-week wedding guide (/inspiration for this blog) I should be making a binder with 35 tabs and folders galore to keep me organized throughout this crazy year...good luck with that. Did you know that there are no wedding guides entitled "for the totally scatter-brained, disorganized, busy law school bride"? Or guides for brides who aspire to organization, but understand their attention span for such things is that of a caterpillar.

So, beside the fact that I am in possession of a book to help keep me on track for this wonderful wedding of mine, I also wanted to make this blog to keep everyone up to date on what's happening in this Bridezilla's world. The beauty of this blog, over, say, an email, is that you can read it or not. Comment or not. Ignore its existence or check it every 10 minutes for updates (which will not be happening...unless class is ridiculously boring).

So, recap. What do we have here? One Bride who wants to share all the excitement with the special people in her life. One blog where she will attempt to do so. One fantastic fiancé who is, admittedly, probably happy to hear that this Bridezilla now has an outlet for the myriad of ideas that constantly run through her mind that do not include waking him up at 1am to share the "exciting idea." We have many many friends and family (and family-to-be!) who now get the chance to keep tabs (if that's even possible) on this wedding adventure (and only to the extent they want). And finally, another important procrastination tool in my life.

The rules? Well, all I can think of is that I would appreciate it if no one shares any dress-type ideas that come up here with Adam. Oh, and if you have ideas in your comments, I would love pictures!!


  1. What a great idea pretty :) Fuchsia is such a fantastic colour...I love the idea boards you've posted, do you like peonies? I came across this pic and thought of you...xoxo sis-in-law VB

  2. Remember Kirsten Dunst as Maria Antoinette in pink satin shoes? :)
